Friday, July 13, 2007


Today Ivor eluded me. I had wanted to see him and Jonathan before they left for Washington, but a dentist's appointment that went too long delayed me, and by the time I got to the office, they were gone!

In honor of Ivor's swift escape from the DC area, Ivor is a pronghorn antelope. The second fastest land animal on Earth, the pronghorn vastly outruns any other animal on the American continents, reaching speeds over 60 mph - faster than my mother drives on the highway.

Evolutionary theorists have suggested that the pronghorn adapted to run so fast in order to escape predators that are now extinct, like the saber-toothed tiger. Others suggest that it is a way for males to show off when competing for mates. It may be some of both. In any case, we know that Ivor is a speed machine today. Or perhaps he would be, if Jonathan (or any of the rest of us) could keep up!

Sam hugging Ivor on his last day

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice Ivor photo! He gives the best hugs in the world, doesn't he??

The East Coast misses you, Ivor!!!